Python Runner For Android

The source code for both the apps (Python file, APK, and buildozer spec) can be found at this GitHub repository. If you don’t want to use the APK generated into your devices then you simply host them online using a free service called which allows you to run android apps in browsers!

A lot of people want to learn python programming until they found all courses online made with laptops and desktops. so, they get disappointed and lose interest in learning. Today, I decided to help you with this problem and show you how you can run python on mobile phone.

Imagine building and running python applications, whether it's a command-line tool developed to fetch your favorite curated articles from the Internet, or starting a web server that runs right in the palm of your hand, all with just an Android mobile device and open source tools. Getting Started¶. Getting up and running on python-for-android (p4a) is a simple process and should only take you a couple of minutes. We’ll refer to Python for android as p4a in this documentation. Your Android emulator now is ready to run your custom Python script, so let's create one. Before you do though, note that the published SL4A API is a subset of the full Android API, so certain features either are not available, in the process of being made available or fully supported (see Resources for a link to the current list).

Using Mobile Apps IDE

The first way is using mobile applications ( python mobile IDE ) to run python codes on.

Python IDE for android

We start with android mobiles .

Pydroid 3 - IDE for Python 3

This app is very helpful and useful with a good interface and easy to use . It provides you also by all the tools you need.

  1. Pip , so you can install python libraries on your phone.
  2. Terminal , to execute commands on your phone like a pc.
  3. Offline Python Interpreter .
  4. Syntax highlighting & themes.

more features :

  1. You can use OpenCV on phone (on devices with Camera2 API support).
  2. TensorFlow and PyTorch on mobile.
  3. Tkinter support for GUI.
  4. Mobile Cython support.
  5. Kivy graphical library to build android apps using your phone .
  6. pygame 2 to build games on your phone.

QPython 3L - Python for Android

QPython is the Python engine for already has millions of users worldwide and it is also an open source project.

it contains some amazing features such as

  • Android Python interpreter
  • Python android runtime environment.
  • Python editor
  • QPYI and SL4A library
  • It supports running multiple types of projects, including: console program, SL4A program, webapp program
  • QPYPI and a custom repository for prebuilt wheel packages for enhanced scientific libraries, such as numpy, scipy, matplotlib, scikit-learn etc
  • Third App Integrations, such as: Barcode, Browser, SpeechRecongition, SendEmail, TextToSpeech


Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager.

Simply termux makes your phone like a pc . so you can install python on your phone and run scripts.

I personally use it to serve website on my android phone. or to run scripts.

We will use termux only to run python files on phone. And Acode app to write the code.

Python runner for android
How to use termux and acode to run python file on android

After installing termux and Acode. open Acode create new file and name it then save it. After that go to parameters and give termux access to storage then open termux then run



to see all files in home storage so you copy your file to this location and run

Dcoder, Compiler IDE :Code & Programming on mobile

Dcoder is a mobile coding IDE and platform (Compiler for mobile), where you can run your projects, code and learn algorithms by programming on mobile. Build and deploy your projects straight from the mobile and integrate with Git (Gtihub, bitbucker) and sync with vs code, use of code compilations to make coding easy. Now code anytime, anywhere and on the go.

The main features include:

  1. Rich Text Editor with Syntax highlighting.(Code Editor)
  2. Line number, Auto indent, Autocomplete Parenthesis.
  3. Undo Redo.
  4. File Open/Save.
  5. Custom Suggestion View.
  6. Multiple Language Support.
  7. Thoroughly designed Algorithm problems to improve coding Skills and make programmers industry ready.
  8. Leader Board: To know where you stand amongst the vast Dcoder community.
  9. Custom Menu Drawer, Custom Code Editor Themes, Editable font Size for Editor and much more!!

Python IDE'S Iphone IOS


I talked about Dcoder on android section

Pyto - python 3

Pyto is a Python 3.8 IDE for iPhone and iPad. Run code directly on your device and offline. You can run scripts from Shortcuts and code your own home screen widgets.



  1. Python 3.8 with all standard libraries
  2. Full Python REPL
  3. Code user interfaces
  4. Smart code completion
  5. Use pip to install pure Python modules from PyPI
  6. Access scripts from everywhere
  7. Preview images and plots on console
  8. Multiple windows for iPadOS 13+
  9. Run scripts and code from Siri Shortcuts
  10. Code your own home screen widgets
  11. Interact with other apps thanks to x-callback urls

Online python IDE - Python website IDE

Personally i use online python IDE's a lot because it has fast internet access and you can store your code online.Here's a list of my favorites python websites ide


Replit is a simple yet powerful online IDE, Editor, Compiler, Interpreter, and REPL. Code, compile, run, and host in 50+ programming languages.

So you can use replit on your mobile phone you just have to go to replit website . then create an account. and start coding.


Google colabs

Colaboratory, or 'Colab' for short, allows you to write and execute Python in your browser, with

  • Zero configuration required
  • Free access to GPUs
  • Easy sharing

All you have to do is go to google colab and sign in.Then crate new project and start coding


Online Python IDE

Build, Run & Share Python code online using online-python's IDE for free.

It's one of the quick, robust, powerful online compilers for python language.

Don't worry about setting up python environment in your local. Now Run the python code in your favorite browser instantly.

Getting started with this Python editor is easy and fast. Just write the program and click the RUN button!! Code can be saved online by using the SHARE option that enables you to access your code anywhere using internet.




If you want to do something just stick on it and don't let anything stops you.

happy coding on your phones.

Now, we’re going to take our application, and deploy it as an Androidapplication.

The process of deploying an application to Android is very similar to theprocess for deploying as a desktop application. Briefcase handles installingdependencies for Android, including the Android SDK, the Android emulator, anda Java compiler.

Create an Android app and compile it¶

Python Interpreter

First, run the create command. This downloads an Android app template andadds your Python code to it.

When you run briefcasecreateandroid for the first time, Briefcasedownloads a Java JDK, and the Android SDK. File sizes and download times can beconsiderable; this may take a while (10 minutes or longer, depending on thespeed of your Internet connection). When the download has completed, you willbe prompted to accept Google’s Android SDK license.

Once this completes, we’ll now have an android directory in our project.This directory will contain a HelloWorld folder, which will contain anAndroid project with a Gradle build configuration. This project will containyour application code, and a support package containing the Python interpreter.

We can then use Briefcase’s build command to compile this into an AndroidAPK app file.

Gradle may look stuck

During the briefcasebuildandroid step, Gradle (the Android platformbuild tool) will print CONFIGURING:100%, and appear to be doing nothing.Don’t worry, it’s not stuck - it’s downloading more Android SDK components.Depending on your Internet connection speed, this may take another 10 minutes(or longer). This lag should only happen the very first time you runbuild; the tools are cached, and on your next build, the cached versionswill be used.

Run the app on a virtual device¶

We’re now ready to run our application. You can use Briefcase’s run commandto run the app on an Android device. Let’s start by running on an Androidemulator.

To run your application, run briefcaserunandroid. When you do this,you’ll be prompted with a list of devices that you could run the app on. Thelast item will always be an option to create a new Android emulator.

We can now choose our desired device. Select the “Create a new Androidemulator” option, and accept the default choice for the device name(beePhone).

Web Python Runner

Briefcase run will automatically boot the virtual device. When the deviceis booting, you will see the Android logo:

Android virtual device booting

Once the device has finished booting, Briefcase will install your app on thedevice. You will briefly see a launcher screen:

Android virtual device fully started, on the launcher screen

The app will then start. You’ll see a splash screen while the app starts up:

The first time the app starts, it needs to unpack itself onto the device. Thismay take a few seconds. Once it’s unpacked, you’ll see the Android version ofour desktop app:

PythonWeb python runner

Demo app fully launched

Python Runner For Android

If you fail to see your app launching, you may need to check your terminalwhere you ran briefcaserun and look for any error messages.

In future, if you want to run on this device without using the menu, you canprovide the emulator’s name to Briefcase, using briefcaserunandroid-d@beePhone to run on the virtual device directly.

Run the app on a physical device¶

If you have a physical Android phone or tablet, you can connect it to yourcomputer with a USB cable, and then use the Briefcase to target your physicaldevice.

If Briefcase can detect the device, it will appear in the run output. Thefirst time you use a device for development, it may report itself as an“Unknown device (not authorized for development)”:

Android requires that devices be placed into “developer” mode before you canload an app onto the device. Select the “unknown” device, and you’ll be showna link that shows you how to enable developer mode.

Once developer mode has been enabled you can re-run briefcaserunandroid:

This time, we get the name of the device, and it’s serial number (in this case,a Pixel 3a).

In the future, if you want to run on this device without using the menu, you canprovide the phones’s serial number to Briefcase, using briefcaserunandroid-d94ZZY0LNE8. Thi will run on the device directly, wthout prompting.


When you’re developing for Android, it’s useful to be able to view theAndroid logs. To view the Android logs without the background noise fromthe rest of the system, you can run adblogcat-sMainActivity:*stdio:*Python:*. Anything your app writes to stdout (e.g., the output ofprint() statements) will be visible in the logs.

Next steps¶

We’ve now got an application on our phone! Is there another way todeploy a BeeWare app? Turn to Tutorial 6 to findout…